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Ibn Sina Foundation

The Qur’an and the youth

Muhammad Bistuni



This book provides the author’s comments for six Qur’anic surahs, namely “An-Naba”, “An-Nazi’at”, “’Abasa”, “At-Takweer”, “Al-Infitar”, “Al-Mutaffifeen”.

Written in plain language and thoroughly commented, it represents an important addition to the materials for studying Qur’an in Russian language.

The work is intended not only for researchers knowledgeable in Qur’anic studies, but also for all well-informed readers interested in Islamic cultural studies.


Bistuni, Muhammad. The Qur’an and the youth. Vol. 26: From surah “An-Naba” to the surah “Fajr” / ed. by M. Shirazi; [translated from Farsi by D.Mirzoyev]. — М.: ООО Sadra, 2013. — 262 p.