This collection includes the treatises written by a well-known Tajik theologian, jurist, historian and philologist of the 12th century, Najm ad-Din an-Nasafi. This is a collection of tractates written in Farsi and Arabic. These works containing a summary of pivotal issues of Maturidi kalam are presented in modern Tajik and Arabic script and completed with a Russian translation.
The book will be of great interest for those studying the history of intellectual thought in the Muslim East.
Najm ad-Din an-Nasafi. Al-'Aka'id an-Nasafiyya (Nasafi’s matters of faith) / translated from Arabic and commented by K.H. Idrisov. – 2nd ed. – M.: ООО Sadra, 2021. – 104 p. – (Islamica & Orientalistica).