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Ibn Sina Foundation

Modern Iranian culture

N. Fazeli



The Culture is the exterior and the interior of a nation’s real life. Through and in culture one can see the real evolution and prospects of the society’s and the state’s development, because the culture reflects all twists of existence, victories and defeats, joys and sorrows, virtues and vices. This book provides an example of such binaries, analysing the cultural discourse of the Iranian nation’s modern life. It transcends traditional approaches (political, historical and ideological) and provides insight into the cultural life of the modern Iran. This books combines the elements of an objective and concrete analysis of the modern Iranian culture, which expands national and cultural self-consciousness.

For general audience.


Fazeli N. Modern Iranian culture / translated from Farsi by N.Mirzoyev. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2016. – 192 p. – [Modern philosophical discourse]