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Ibn Sina Foundation


Abstract This book includes almost all well-known small edifying works in Persian either written by imam Ghazali in the end of his life or ascribed to him later. The first part of the edition contains the real works written by Imam Ghazali, namely: a guide for students entitled Zad-e Akherat (Provision for the hereafter); authentic message from Ghazali to Sultan Sanjar called “Nasihat al-Muluk” (The Counseling Kings) and a collection of the imam's letters to different recipients named «Faza'ilul al-anam min rasa'ili hujjat al-Islam (People’s virtues from the messages of Islam’s argument). The second part contains a letter so far…
Abstract This edition is a concise four-volume textbook for studying the Qur’an that was prepared in the post-revolutionary Iran for the higher school students. The author of the book, Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel, stands at the origins of the system of primary Islamic education in Iran, and a whole generation of Iranian youth studied his four-volume work. The book “The lessons of the Qur’an” attempts to shed light on the meanings of the Qur’anic texts and to outline the benefits that can be derived therefrom by anyone reading the Holy Scripture of Muslims. Imprint Haddad-Adel G. The lessons of the Qur’an /…
Abstract The Qur'an is not only the first written text of the Arab literature, but it also the foundation of the Muslims’ belief system and the source of the Islamic culture. From the very beginning of the Islamic civilization the best minds of the humanity scrutinized it. It was revealed “in a clear Arabic language” (the Qur’an, 26:195), this is why the language of the Qur’an attracted the researchers’ attention throughout the entire history of Islam. This book contains the view of a contemporary Iranian philosopher on the language of the Qur’an, which literally represents an amazing phenomenon of the…
Abstract The Qur'an is the only sacred book for Muslims of all madhabs. This edition presents a translation of the Holy Scripture based on the 12-volume tafseer "Nur" ("The light of the Holy Qur'an"), which was published earlier. The monumental exegesis of the Qur'an, which is called the "Nur" tafseer, was prepared by a group of reputable Islamic scholars from the Islamic Centre of Academic Research of Iran. Imprint The Qur'an. Interpretation of the meanings. — Moscow, AST publishing house, 2016. — 624 p. 
Abstract The collection includes 10 stories based on real events that happened long time ago in a place called Karbala. The main character is Imam Husain, a noble man, friend and defender of ordinary people. He left Medina for Makkah in order to fight against injustice. The inhabitants of Kufa, the town of oblivion, didn’t support him. He had only his family and closest friends ready to fight the enemy. On the day of the great battle, the day of Ashura, almost all the companions and men from Imam Husain’s familywere killedin action, and the women were captured. The book…
Abstract The collection of articles examines Islamophobia, which is now very common in modern social life. The authors attempt to determine its sources, to classify it and to find the ways to fight against the hatred to the “others”. For general audience. Imprint Islamophobia: collection of articles / translated from Farsi by J.Mirzoyev; compiled and edited by M. Al-Janabi. – М.: ООО Sadra, 2016. – 206 p. – [Modern philosophical discourse].
Abstract The Culture is the exterior and the interior of a nation’s real life. Through and in culture one can see the real evolution and prospects of the society’s and the state’s development, because the culture reflects all twists of existence, victories and defeats, joys and sorrows, virtues and vices. This book provides an example of such binaries, analysing the cultural discourse of the Iranian nation’s modern life. It transcends traditional approaches (political, historical and ideological) and provides insight into the cultural life of the modern Iran. This books combines the elements of an objective and concrete analysis of the…
Abstract This book is particularly special and valuable due to the fact that it raises some issues of Islamic civilization in terms of historical, cultural and national self-conciousness. It treats each aspect of Islamic civilization not as a showpiece of a world history museum, but as a substantial aspect of itself. Hence entwinement of theological, historical and philosophical levels in examining and perceiving Islamic civilization as a model of self-understanding in terms of modern Iranian thought. The books includes a number of research works devoted to two aspects: creative cognitive spirit of Islamic civilization and problems of civilization alternatives. For…